New labour laws likely to be implemented from July 1! How working hours, PF and in-hand salary will change
New labour laws likely to be implemented from July 1! How working hours, PF and in-hand salary will change The Central government is planning to implement new labour laws from July 1, 2022. If this gets implemented, then there will be a significant change in office working hours, employee's provident fund (EPF) contributions and in-hand salary. While the office hours and PF contributions are likely to increase, the in-hand salary will likely decrease. The government is working to implement a set of four new Labour Codes as soon as possible. The government is of the opinion that the new labour laws will boost investments in the country and increase employment opportunities. The newly enacted Labour Codes lay down an array of reforms relating to wages, social security (pension, gratuity), labour welfare, health, safety and working conditions (including that of women). Changes if new labour law comes into force? 1. If the new labour laws are implemented, then ...